Saturday, 25 March 2017

The Return!

Wow, it has been a long time since I posted here on my Blog. The last time I did was before my final degree show, at New Designers 2014, where I was swept up by the awesome design studio, Design by Touch, to work with them as a full time Designer and Concept Artist.

The past two and a half years working there have been an absolute blast (And here's to many more!), I've learnt tons and made loads of artwork that I am very proud of... ...That I can't show due to confidentiality. The reason I haven't had much personal stuff to show up to this point is simple: I had no rig to work on!

I have finally set up a home studio where I can work on personal projects and ideas in my free time
and finally share (to anyone who's interested) how my skills have progressed since 2014.

Scrolling down you'll find old artwork that, while I'm still happy with (It got me a Degree and a job after all!), I have certainly come a long way from and can't wait to show you more!

To break in my new studio and get the ball rolling, here is an Armour set I designed in honor of one of my favourite videogames: Destiny. I know, I know, ''Fan Art!?'' I hear you cry! But that is what I hope to use this space for - Artwork and sketches I have done to relax and unwind. In no way does that mean I won't be exploring new concepts and Ideas here, but expect the full gamut.  Anyway - It is my own Armour design so it still counts as original!